We recommend sending out your invitation for people to contribute about 30 days in advance.
Too far in advance and people will put it off and forget about it. Too close and you may miss a lot of contributions.
People are very busy working, vacationing, attending to emergencies, running their kids around, and all manner of obligations. Don't wait until the last minute and put unfair stress on them and yourself, and maybe not be able to pull the whole thing off at all.
We want you and yours to have a great experience. So please don't jeopardize that and your financial investment in creating this gift either by waiting too long to invite people to send in their tribute contribution.
Create your invitation list and send out our pre-designed announcement email about 30 days in advance of when you plan to surprise your special someone. We'll send out an instructional email immediately when someone signs up, then a follow up reminder half way between when you start our service and the surprise date. And we'll send one more reminder about three quarters the way through.